
List of Contributors

Jerry Goodman

Eight years later and still no word
Eight years later and I wait on the floor
To see your strong figure walk right through the door
I never give up for I know you will ford
the gap between the worlds; we always want more.

No one forgets you; you are not in the past
You are a man who is present for all who are fast
Your spirit is strong and forever may it last.
Your memories always present, in stone they were cast
And you stand strong like a ship with its mast

Eight years are so short
Eight years are so long
Why did this life you abort
And make a trip to another world so filled with song
And with love and Holiness of the eternal sort

Tani we salute you on this your death day
your death was but a beginning for others on their life’s way
Now we have all prospered and grown and as Jews say
We greet the day with Thank You and wait for you at bay
And see you in our dreams and let our memories play

So as we stand before you singing and holding hands
We remember you with thankfulness for The Tani Way
That has let us go with you as you travel with your bands
We stand here today because we truly are your fans
And stay with you no matter where you are until time finishes all its sand

For me you are not missing, just stuck across a shore
A line that I can not pass but I know that it is not far
I try to get to you; I want to see you more
And tell you of your family and how there is no bar
To let you know we love you – right down to the core.

We pledge to keep your memory alive and very sound
Through your neighborhood and in your beloved town
You will not be forgotten and we are eternally bound
To keep you present with us and find you like a hound
We pledge to keep your memory and tell how you were a clown.

Tani you are such a mixture of the past and of the present
You gave me my worst moment and yet you are our light
That gives me the courage to rise from our descent
And lead my life like you taught me-to fight
To stand up tall with hope and be proud for that is right
To continue our journey after you, infinitely, into the night.

Tani’s Great Uncle Father Jack Vessels

Sittin’ here gazing at Tani’s picture across the room, decided to scrawl you two a couple of lines about a couple of things. First is how alive Tani has remained for me ever since his death–more so that any other person. Comes from talking to him every single morning when I take my cold-till-the-water-warms-up shower, & from having his glaring-smiling-frowning-loving picture staring at me, with constant encouragement. It truly is a most perfect picture, a presence-communicating reality. I thank you both for the price you’ve paid to share him with me.
Abrasos, Jack”

Gerry and Steven Korda

Hi Maggie,
As for these difficult times, I can only hope that you get through them, once again, with the help of your wonderful family and friends. I must tell you that I think that you and Jerry are remarkable in all the wonderful work you do in Tani’s memory. You set such an amazing example for your children and for the community.
Please know that we will be thinking of all of your this week and wish that we could be with you personally but know that you are always in our thoughts and our hearts.
I miss being there with all of you. I don’t know when we will make our next visit, but of course, it cannot be too far off. We will have to come for our share of hugs and kisses with Noam. In the meantime, we have to settle on Skype to see Noam. It is not the best, but it certainly does help.
Hope to speak to you soon,
Lots of love,

Yonina Murciano-Goroff

Tani’s Friend from the American Bronfman Fellows, 2001

“Dear Goodman Family,

I hope that this note finds you well. I was an American Bronfman Fellow the year that Tani participated, and I still feel constantly grateful to have had contact with someone who was truly such a great tzadik. (righteous one)

Tani had a special vibrancy. I remember his absolute excitement about everything from the beauty of the stars over the lake at the Bronfman retreat in Connecticut to his joy in teaching the group the dance routine for “noladeti la-shalom”. He was always anxious to share with others. Even just the way that he taught a new nigun (tune) on Shabbat made clear his love of teaching and his ability to be a great leader.

What most struck me about him, though, was his pride in being Jewish. He knew what his ideals were, and he pursued them with total dedication. In particular, I remember being quite moved when he said that the greatest compliment anyone could give him was to say that he had lived a Jewish life. It’s a motto that I regularly quote in his name, and that I come back to in shaping my own path as a Jew.

Tani continues to serve as a model and inspiration for me – and I know for many others- of what it means to live a Jewish life.

May his memory continue to be a blessing.
Yonina Murciano-Goroff”

Michal Gaizer, Tani’s dear friend {translated}

“Maggie and Jerry Dears,
I know that the memorial for Tani took place today and I missed so much not to have been there. Idit told me that the talk by Micah was amazing as usual, I do not doubt that. I am with you from far away, (New Zealand), and think of our dearest Tani more than just once. I wish you only good things, and send you many hugs and kisses.

Much love, Michal”

Boaz Shifman, Tani’s dear friend from Hartman High School

“Dear Maggie and Jerry,

I’m sitting in a hostel in El Kalafate Argentina, and I wanted to write to you about a something that happend to me this week.

As you may have noticed I was not able to be at the “yardsite”.

On tuesday I was in the middel of a Treck in “Tores Del Piane” in Chile. During the treck I was sitting in a beautifull place on the shore of “Lagoon Gray” that is full with icebergs, it was very cloudy and I found a nice place alone to try and connect to Tani and you guys in Israel. I started singing “Beshem Hashem” and then a strong, beautifull and warm sun beam came out thru the clouds and I felt that Tani is smiling back at me. It was just an amazing feeling, I was sitting there for a while and talking to him, trying to imagine how things would be today with him alive. Ohc, I miss him so much!!

Thats it. Just wanted to share it with you guys and tell you that I wish I was there with you guys.

Shabbat Shalom!

Love you guys,

The Rosen Family

Dear Maggie and Jerry
Shavua tov
We are away in Chutz Laaretz and so will not be able to physically join you on Tuesday for the Azkara. We will however be with you in thought as this day comes around this year. We know that the azkara is one particular day but that the rememberance is every day and the reminder’s of Tani are certainly not limited to this one day on the calendar. We join you therefore in remembering Tani often, as do so many others, and wish you and all the family long life full of happy memories and real time celebrations.
Love from all the Rosens
Rachel and Joe
Nancy Posnick and Avi, dearest friends
“hi darlings
sorry I missed you when I called today
I just wanted to hug you thru the telephone lines
you are in our hearts and we stand with you even tho we are so far apart in miles

Mag – I don’t know how you do this……who does… just continue to live with a broken heart and blessed memories and you cry and then you can smile and hug your grandchildren. it is life with a very very un-natural twist and that doesn’t even touch it.

we wish we could be with you and jerry these next few days….to also be your support system in jerusalem.

may you be comforted with love and may god continue to bless you and all the family.
with love
nancy and avi”

Rebecca Deitcher and Mickey Pepper in NYC

“Dearest Jerry and Maggie,
We miss you and love you and sorry not to be with you for Tani’s yahrzeiot.
Endless love and be surrounded by love always..all that you always give to others….Rebecca and Mickey”

Sue and Maurice Schneider

“Dearest Maggie and Jerry,
Please know that we will be thinking of you both at this very difficult time.
We are returning from our trip to South America on the 9th so once again won’t be able to attend Tani’s memorial. However, we, like you think of him constantly. He left such a wonderful legacy.
We trust that from now on you will o

Adam Kromer

Dear Maggie and Jerry,
8 is such a big number. I found it quite unbelievable to read this. I am in India and will not be able to come but I wanted to tell you that I still think of Tani quite frequently. He was a dear dear friend and your house was always a wonderful place to visit.

Yesterday I remembered the time when it snowed just a week or two before Tani’s death. We walked on the train tracks, covered with fresh snow, to where now is the fancy bar area. Then there were just a few old buildings there and we climbed to the second floor of a crumbling shack and sat there on broken plastic chairs looking at the snow. It was basically a piece of junk in the middle of all the white, but I remember it as a calm palace.
Memories… I guess that is what we have now. I bet that shack is also long gone.
Lots of love to all of your family.
Love, Adam

Kathy and Art Ramseur

Dearest Marg and Jerry, All our thoughts and prayers are with you now as this week passes. We love you.
Kathy and Art

Sally Gardiner

Needless to say, you’ll be in my thoughts this week and next – and will be calling you next week-end. How can it have been 8 years already.
I love you, Marg,

Jack Love

All of you will be in my prayers; I am having Mass said in Tani’s memory next Tuesday at our parish, the Old Cathedral (St. Joseph) downtown.
Yesterday, I had the Mass said for mother; it was the 5th anniversary of her death. I have no idea how the time passes so quickly.

Judy and Geoffrey Preger

Darling Maggie and Gerry ,
Our thoughts are with you on this special day.
Lots of love from
Judy and Geoffrey

Dr. Barry Izenstein

I will pause in an exam room at 4pm on Tues. Feb 9, and remember Tani, his smile and his strength. If possible, tape Micha’s shiur for future listening.
Love, Pricha and Bunim

Angela Zaronka

Dearest Maggie –

Thank you for this note. A week doesn’t go by when I don’t think of sweet Tani. I can only imagine how you must miss him. My heart is with you, my dear, remembering this sad date eight years ago. I can’t believe it has been so long.

I am curious – what do you do to remember Tani on the anniversary of his birth? Is there a formal service, gathering, rememberance? We are so fortunate that he was with us for a few years. Those are precious to me. No, I did not know him well, hardly at all. But I am grateful I can say that he IS my cousin. I am grateful for what his presence gave us all.

All my love to you, my dear Maggie. Love to Jerry and the children too.
I am happy that I can keep in better touch with Dvorah, Yael and see the pictures of the grandchildren on FaceBook. What a blessing to see them so happy and living so fully. Tani is remembered through all.


Jenny Love Meyeer

“Maggie and Jerry,
I will say a prayer in Tani’s name and for you all on this anniversary.
Give our love to everyone
Jenny and John”
Uncle Bill Love, Aunt Joyce and Cousin Karen
“…Tani’s name came up, this being the 8th
anniv. of his departure, & we all 6 observed a moment of sorrow &
remembrance… We HAVE been thinking of Tan-Tan, on his # 8 anniv. We always aim our remembrances for “around Feb.1” since the actual date changes every year.
Funny how his & Mother’s anniv.dates almost coincide.
(*”We” being Joyce, Karen & me)

Tani’s Aunt Judy Love

“Thanks marg – saying a prayer for you all – love you”
Shunit and Yehoshua Degani, good friends
“shalom Maggie and Jerry and family,
We were sorry not to have been at the memorial service for Tani last night. We are always with you in our thoughts and always remember that smile of Tani’s.
We hug you
Shunit and Yehoshua Degani”

Renee and Jim Cohen, Chicago Tani’s cousins

“Dear Maggie and Jerry,

We are thinking of you and remembering Tani on his 8th Yartzeit. We are glad that we were able to spend some time with Tani, our memories of him are always with us. From stories we’ve heard from family and his friends, we all agree that he was clearly a very special multifaceted young man. What we remember best was that he was a happy, cheerful, fun loving boy. We will always miss him. May his memory be for a blessing.

We are always thinking of you and the family.

Renee and Jim”

Irene Fink, dearest family friend

“I have no words to describe the Azkara last week. Micah outdid himself and it is great to see how many friends you all have as well as all the Zedaka you partake in. May you continue with all the good deeds for many years to come.”

Healing Through Running Therapy

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